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Unfortunately, Camille has been associated with several controversies and has been the target of many fake news. These rumors and false assumptions have soiled her image a lot, even though they have been denied several times.

As I value Camille's good reputation, I come here, once again, to deny these controversies and I ask you, please, to stop involving her in her little lying rumors.

You will see that Camille has already been accused of very serious things. I am really sad to know that people waste their time making up lies to dirty someone's image, but they don't take 10 minutes of their "precious" time to search for the truth.

No one is forced to like Camille, but respecting her is essential. I hope that I clarify any doubts regarding these controversies, but if you still have any doubts, leave them in the form at the bottom of the page and as soon as possible I will answer them individually.

Camille never said the N Word

Controversy 1: Camille, along with other models, reportedly told N Word backstage at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2017 (in Shanghai), while Cardi B performed. This event was shown in a Youtube video (click here to watch), in which Karlie Kloss showed the 2017 VSFS backstage.

Controversy 2: Camille reportedly posted on her Facebook that contained the n word.

Clarification: the original print of this publication was dated 2017 and Camille has not used his personal Facebook account since 2014.
After this was clarified, the print was edited and the date was modified to be more realistic, however Camille has only one public profile on Facebook and it has been inactive since 2016.

Clarification: Camille walkeed only once for Victoria's Secret and the same was in 2016.
One article mistook Camille for one of several blonde models who were there and put out the wrong information.

Even before this controversy arose, Camille had made a tweet in which she spoke about her disapproval of the models who said n word. The tweet was deleted, but the text contained things like, "Black artists can say that in their music. Black people can use it as freely as they want. If you're not black, don't say it. End of discussion."

Camille did not sexualize Harry Styles

Controversy: Camille sexualized Harry Styles (her ex boyfriend) after posting a video on her Instagram stories moaning his name.

Clarification: this video was posted in 2016; Camille and Harry's relationship, publicly, was between 2017 and 2018. By the time the video was published, Harry was already following Camille on Instagram and probably saw the video.
Many people found this disrespectful. It is understandable, everyone has this freedom, but at no time was Harry sexualized. I will explain a little about sexualization and leave the link to the tweet that was used as a reference for better understanding.

What is sexualization?
--> Assign sexual connotation to; giving a sexual aspect, appearance, nature or character to something, someone or yourself; eroticize.

Victims of sexualization: children; Latin women (always characterized by curvaceous bodies, butts and large breasts); homosexual women; black women and men.

Harry is a CIS man, white and of legal age. There is no chance that he was sexualized because of a video in which a woman moaned his name. Besides, if he hadn't liked it, they wouldn't have dated afterwards.

Camille didn't make fun of gay marriage

Controversy: Camille made fun of gay marriage and disrespected the LGBTQIA + community after having married her friend.

Clarification: Camille was asked to advertise for I-D magazine about things you can do in Las Vegas.
In the video there were several topics of things that could be done, among them "enjoy the spontaneity" and Camille took her friend, Djuna Bel to the wedding chapel.

The scenes are very short, but the lines are the traditional ones said in a wedding rite.
Camille did this for an advertisement, so she did not truly marry her friend and did not make fun of gay marriages, not least because Camille is very evasive about her personal life and never labeled herself as straight. She and Djuna have each other's names on their respective Instagrams, as a way of realizing their friendship.

Camille has always shown support for the LGBTQIA + community, as for example in this interview:

At 2:08 minutes Camille is asked what most irritates her in the world, and she replies "Homophobia, lack of education is very annoying"

Camille is not xenophobic

Controversy: Camille would be mocking Asians when posting a photo on his Instagram pulling his eyes.

Clarification: Camille posted a photo on her Instagram in which her boyfriend at the time (Devendra Banhart) pulled her entire face, with the following caption: "Beauty is in the hands of the beholder".
Camille was not making fun of Asian culture, at no time did she write something mocking Asians or anything. As I mentioned, her boyfriend was pulling her whole face, making her look different from normal, funnier. In addition to the caption already explaining everything I clarified.

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Camille is not racist

Controversy 1: Camille would have done Blackfishing for a photoshoot.

Clarification: Camille did not do Blackfishing. The rehearsal in which she participated was in celebration of the 20th anniversary of Jalouse magazine, which had Halloween as its theme.
One of Camille's fantasies was inspired by Jill Masterson, the golden girl from the movie Goldfinger.
Since Camille's reference was a "gold" girl, she was golden and not tanned.

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Controversy 2: Camille participated in a film in which the main actors were racist, so it is also racist.

Clarification: the film that people refer to is called Notre Jour Viendra (2010), directed by Romain Gavras. The film's synopsis is: "A nervous teenager and a violent racist get on a crime wave from France to Ireland". So, one of the main actors, he acted as a racist person, but, as we all know, he is a character in a film, this does not mean that the actor is a racist person in his personal life. Furthermore, Camille's role in the film is not that.

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Click here to watch the movie.

Warning: this film is not suitable for minors.

Camille did not make pornographic film with a child watching

Controversy: Camille reportedly made a pornographic film with a child watching on the set of recordings.

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I advise you to watch the film so that it becomes even more clear.

Reminder: film not suitable for minors.

Click here to watch the movie.

Clarification: the film in which they refer is also Notre Jour Viendra. As I had previously mentioned the plot of the film and not to give 'spoilers' I will explain only the part that has to do with Camille.
In the first scene that Camille appears, she and two other women enter the pool of a hotel without the top of the bikini, and start talking to the two men (main characters). After that, Camille appears next to one of the two other girls with whom she was at the pool and the two men in one of the hotel rooms. They start to kiss, but nothing else happens because of the fact that one of the men throws alcohol at Camille and shortly thereafter throws a lit match at her.
There really was a girl sitting in the room and that is shown in the film, but, nothing happened except kisses.

Camille did not laugh at animal abuse

Controversy: Camille recorded a video laughing at animal abuse.

Clarification: Camille was with her friends and recorded a video of a friend of hers catching her kitten and saying "bye" as if it were him. This is not mistreatment and Camille laughed at the kitten "waving".

Camille does not support rapist

Controversy: Camille would have shown support for rapists after saying in an interview that he would like to meet director Roman Polanski.

Clarification: Camille really said in an interview that she would like to meet Roman Polanski, but I will explain about his background so that things can be clarified.

At the time the case was trivialized, denied, put in check, but years later his conviction was accepted and the order for the execution of the sentence was issued. Polanski, in this period, was in France, which would prevent the sentence from being carried out, due to the treaties between the two countries and, even winning the much acclaimed Oscar, the filmmaker did not come to the USA to receive it and thus not run the risk to be arrested. The case came to light broadly and clearly ONLY in 2017.

I'm a fan of Camille but I don't know her personally and neither does her personal life, I can't say that when I mentioned that I would like to meet this filmmaker, she was or was not aware of what happened, since even today capitalist forces still commit this type of act, shameful, incisively to protect their interests.

Roman Polanski is a renowned filmmaker in Hollyood in the 70s, a time when the "cinematographic community", highly prestigious and with "millions of dollars" of reasons to hide, veil, hide, erase, cover up, disappear, disappear with any and all event that could affect his image and his millions and millions of dollars. And this was the case for Roman Polanski, who was charged and tried for the crime of rape a minor. 

Camille has always shown support for the feminist movement, here are some of the times she did it.

At minute 1:20 Camille talks briefly about feminism.

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Camille at the 2016 Dior Poison Girl party.

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Camille attended a protest in January 2017.

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Camille demonstrated, via Instagram, support for a donation campaign for girls' education. In the caption of her post, she talks about violence against women.

Camille does not support and is not obsessed with a serial killer

Controversy 1: Camille is said to have supported a serial killer after going dressed "pregnant" on Halloween.

Clarification: Camille and her friend were actually dressed as pregnant women on Halloween, but Camille never made fun of any Charles Manson victim.
As we all know, in the United States it is very common for people to dress up like this for Halloween, and Camille did not break that tradition.

Camille's friend posted their photo and decided to make a bad joke, putting it in the caption that they were dressed as Sharon and Rosemary (victims of Charles Manson), but at no time did Camille respond to her friend by mocking or showing approval to her'joke'. The publication is currently archived/deleted.

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Controversy 2: Camille is obsessed with Charles Manson after showing interest in criminal books.

Clarification: as I already mentioned in her biography, Camille loves to read books. Reading is a habit in Camille's life, she always posts some of the books she read or is reading, including the one that has a highlight on her Instagram showing some of them, click here to see.

Camille loves to read informational criminal books, and one of the books she reads a lot is from Charles Manson.
Criminal books are informative books, not to romanticize what is in them. It is not because a person reads a book or watches a criminal documentary that she agrees with what is presented there.
So no, a person does not support a murderer by reading an information book about him.

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Controversy 3: Camille romanticized Charles Manson after putting her face on the cover of his book and posting on her Instagram.

Clarification: Camille does a photoshoot for the magazine Elle France in September 2013 in which one of the photos in the essay, printed in black and white, was based on the cover of the book.
After the rehearsal, Camille took a photo with a miniature of the photo inspired by the book and posted it on her Instagram.
At no point did Camille romanticize Charles Manson or say that she agrees with the horrible things he did.

As I said before, taking an interest in a subject does not mean that you agree or support it.

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